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20 Reasons to Show Special Politeness to Other People

List by Lynn Truss

they are older

they know more than you do

they know less than you do

they got here first

they have educational qualifications in the subject under discussion

you are in their house

they once helped you financially

they have been good to you all your life

they are less fortunate than you

they have achieved status in the wider world

you are serving them in a shop

they are in the right

they are your boss

they work for you

they are a policeman/teacher/doctor/judge

they are in need

they are doing you a favor

they paid for the tickets

you phoned them, not the other way around

they have a menial job

I love, love, love this list. Came across it while reading British author Lynne Truss’s book “Talk to the Hand.

From chapter five of her book:
“Respect and consideration are traditionally due to other people for all sorts of reasons, some big, some small. Here are twenty (mostly lapsed) reasons to show special politeness to other people that have nothing to do with [social hierarchy] class.”

Lynn has a great sense of humor. (She is British and it shows.) I’ve also read her book “Eats shoots and leaves” on punctuation and found it wonderful.