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Actor’s Skin Care: Warding Off Dry Skin

Am hyper-aware of the state of my skin lately. Seeing that I am making a trip out east in two days, where I’ll be on-set playing a sci-fi Alien, this is a good thing. The Alien costume/full body suit requires a lot of special effect make-up and rubber. So there is a good amount of spirit-gum applied to my skin, especially my face, holding things in place. It’s while removing it all, with the spirit-gum remover, gentle tugging, and pulling to get it all off, that I am left a bit raw sometimes.

My Dry Skin

It was during some initial work with the special effects artist, that he pointed out how dry my skin was, and I ought to make sure it’s hydrated for the shoot. So I’ve been taking extra measures to stay hydrated as that will lessen the raw-skin after effect.

My Hydrating Regimen

liz zorn body oilWhat I’ve been doing is: showering with warm (not hot water) as heat drys out skin, slathering on body oil after showering, drinking more liquids, applying face moisturizer day & night, and putting a humidifier on my night stand. All in hopes of keeping my skin hydrated. (I figure it can’t hurt any to try anyways.) After doing this for the past two weeks I’ve noticed my skin feels softer. Which makes sense. Dry skin is harsh.

A Nice Body Oil

Am happy to see body oils offered by artisan perfumer Liz Zorn. I like hopping out of the shower and slathering some on as it smells great and keep my skin from drying out in this extreme winter weather. (If you havn’t read about my discovery of men’s body oil, take a peek at it.) Liz has some great smelling oils. I like the Dark Coffee Bean the most, but also have Invigorate Me, Heart Symmetry, Clary Sage, and French Lavender. They all smell great.

Anyone have any other hints or tips for keeping your skin from drying out & looking it’s best? I know I’ll be on the airplane for awhile and don’t usually like how dry the air is on them. Leave a comment! Thanks.