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Fresh New Men’s Scent – Reader Asks for Suggestions

Fresh Mens Cologne Paul Cram

Q:Anonymous asks: Hi buddy! So i’m in the market for a new scent. I used to buy the expense Macy’s cologe, polo, CK, BLV, etc. Than i started buying the Gap stuff.
I like the lighter fresh scents, nothing heavy and obvious. Reason is I tend to spray too much, haha. So looking for suggestions for a change, start the new year fresh?? Suggestion please!

A:Fun question, thanks for asking my opinion. I should mention that my tastes in men’s cologne & perfume veers towards a niche independent style. More so than a mainstream one. This is partially because I enjoy seeking out little-known perfumers here in the States that create scent mixtures often-times by hand, by themselves. Not that I don’t love a few mainstream fragrances. (I am actually going to recommend one from Yves St. Laurent, so there is that.)
That being said, I actually wear mostly fresh scents in my day-to-day routine. So I feel like these are a few good suggestions for you and I hope that you like them.

Fresh Scent Suggestions

  • Moroccan Mint Tea by Ava Luxe 
  • L’homme by Yves St. Laurent
  • Garden by MCMC 
  • Pour Un Homme by Caron
  • Set Sail South Seas by Tommy Bahama (Discontinued fragrance, you may find it on Ebay)

Ava Luxe morroccan Mint Tea
1. Moroccan Mint Tea by Ava Luxe

This is my favorite fresh scent. It sprays out of the bottle smelling like fresh mouthwash. Which is surprisingly better smelling than it sounds. The mint stays through-out the dry down, but some Sandalwood starts to show itself. I have yet to wear this scent without someone stopping me to ask what I am wearing and telling me I smell good.
Morrocan Mint Tea $30 for a 15ml. bottle

l'homme yves st laurent

2. L’homme by Yves St. Laurent 

This one is perfect for work. It’s subtle. It’s light, but it lasts. There’s something about it that reminds me of apples. Fresh apples being cut into. It’s not an exact apple smell, rather it just brings that to mind. This one cost more, I think it is more around the $50 price point.

pour un homme caron

3. Pour Un Homme by Caron

A great scent of duality. Lavender and Vanilla. Cold and warm. It’s really great. And the bottle is gigantic for the price.

Tommy Bahama set sail south seas

4. Set Sail South Seas for Men by Tommy Bahama

One of the best scents on my skin. It’s simple. Madarin, Violets, and Rum. A great combination. If you can get your hands on a bottle, I recommend it. I’ve been able to find some bottles online through Ebay and other locations.

I hope one of them works for you. Let me know how they turn out.


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