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Good Read… Adventures Of A No Name Actor

Obviously Not Written By The Likes Of Zac Efron, Rachel Weisz, Or Claire Daines

Nope. This book is penned by a name you haven’t heard of, but maybe have seen on a show if you’ve ever turned on a TV or loaded a show on your computer.

What’s The Book About

Chronicling his exploits in auditions, on set stories from shows like Walker Texas Ranger, and mishaps performing live on stage, Marco Perella does a top-notch job of giving insight into the life of a working actor. Not a fake look at it (like we see so much from Hollywood) but a real one.

Boring? Nah Too Witty For That

What keeps the read from getting stale is Marco’s writing style. He’s funny.
I found it refreshing, witty, and silly. If you are an actor, you most certainly will be able to relate to his stories.

A Tidbit Of What You’ll Find

Like the time he auditioned in three different cities in Texas all in one day and barely made it to his theater show’s evening performance. Or the weird behind-scenes-politics that come into play while working on set. He does a nice job of showing people’s ego. Along with the absurdity that is the entertainment industry.

On Set Stories Like This

“George patiently takes me aside and earns his pay.
You mean I don’t look like a poor, lovelorn dupe lost in the depths of demented devotion? [Marco wonders]
George patiently and gently explains to me that I look like a bad laxative commercial.
We do it again. This time I restrain myself and am content with a lip quiver that speaks volumes. Huzzahs all around.”

Am always on the look out for a good acting book. Let me know what you’ve read. I’d like to read it too.