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Actor Shaan Sharma Talks about Commercial Castings, Acting, and His Book “Commercial Acting in LA”

Overlooking the Mississippi river are two major cities: Minneapolis and St. Paul. For anyone outside of the greater Midwest, these two cities are near enough together to be called “twins” hence the “Twin Cities” of Minnesota. And while myself and Shaan Sharma don’t really look enough alike to be twins, we certainly were near enough to one another back in our early 20’s to be twins, if being in the same vacinity is the main factor.

As you’ll hear in the podcast episode, Shaan Sharm and I have known one another for awhile, and he’s kind enough to share his time and insight with me today as we discuss topics surrounding the business of performing, avoiding scams, the differences found in casting offices in LA and Minneapolis and more.

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Shaan Sharma Actor