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Summer Acting Hightlights & Moving Into Autumn

actor Paul CramFor those that haven’t seen me (I understand, Summer’s get busy!) my hair was bleached out during July & August. I had it this way during the filming of horror movie director Todd Cobury’s next short post-apocalypse film “Eden.” In which my character isn’t quite a Zombie, but nearly.

I’ll say this, because I was asked often, blondes do seem to get away with a lot more than most people ought to. Which I think is why it’s thought they have more fun.

My Hair is Back to Dark Ash Blonde, In Time for Autumn

This time of year is bitter-sweet for many it seems. A sort of back-to-work mentality pervades with all the children heading to school, the days seeming to get shorter, and the air cooling down. 

It’s Been a Great Summer 

The early portion of it had my picture hanging in New York as a part of the art exhibition by artist Stan Douglas. He photographed me in a ballroom out in Los Angeles. I was very 1970’s, complete with sea foam green 3-piece suit. Read about it in New York’s Village Voice

paul cram in Los Angeles
Actor Paul Cram poses for Internationally acclaimed artist Stan Douglas

Traveling Made Summer All the Better

It’s been the Summer of Chicago & Milwaukee. (I didn’t know this until I visited, but Milwaukee has beer everywhere. Even at the Botanical Gardens!) I will say this though, the library in downtown Milwaukee is amazing! They even have a drive thru window staffed by a librarian- my jaw dropped walking past that. 

paul cram stripped naked to waist
On set of “Eden” with Special Effect Make-up artist Crist Ballas
 My time spent in Chicago opened my eyes to how easy that city is to maneuver without needing a car. One can literally fly into O’hare airport, take the L Train into the city, and get just about anywhere in a 10 mile radius of Downtown on the L Train. (You just have to be willing to walk a few blocks.)

Summer Horror Movie Review

Horror movie fans, you may enjoy seeing the movie trailer for the 20 minute short “Dope Sick” which I had a large role in. Watch the trailer below, also you may enjoy listening to the movie review of “Dope Sick” by the horror movie buff’s over at Night Of The Living Podcast.

Not All Work

Summer hasn’t been all work though. I have made it out on the dance floor a few times trying to do some of the Breakdance moves that I’ve been in classes for. There certainly is a reason it is called “breakin!” I leave so many classes bruised and sore. Very worth it though.

Break Dancing on the Dance Floor

Autumn Approacheth

I am very excited for Autumn. I have a stack of books I am looking forward to reading while sipping mulled cider and being wrapped in a cozy blanket on-set. 

sonoma scent winter woods perfume
“Winter Woods” perfume by Sonoma Scent Studio
I’ve even ordered a bottle of “Winter Woods” perfume to keep around and wear through Autumn and the upcoming 2012 Holidays. I first smelled it last year near Christmas time, and it kept coming to mind with this cooler weather. So I got a bottle to wear while I read. And now that I have told you this, I feel a bit like I am showing how much of a geek I am sometimes with things like scent. 🙂

What about you? Any special plans for the Autumn? Or do you wear any special scents for this time of year? 

Happy September!