~From left: Director Dav Kaufman, Kathryn Vento, Paul Cram, Rachel Grubb, Mrs. McMenomon, & Carly McMenomon in North Carolina in front of the movie theater.

Just got of my plane from the Nevermore film festival in North Carolina. Wow. I was so impressed with the organization of the festival. I saw seven other films while I was there from Friday through Sunday.

One of my favorites was “Nobody” that came from Canadian film maker: Sean Levit. It tells the tale of a hit-man in the classy Noir style. Won’t ruin the ending for you, but it’s clever. I don’t know the answer to the riddle that is repeated throughout the film either “For those that see I cease to be”…

Our film “13 Hours in a Warehouse” played twice to a great responding audience. We were able to do Q&A’s after the film both times. I really enjoyed that part of it.