Three dodgeball player types

There are three types of Dodgeball players – which type are you?

1️⃣ The Dodger – flinching, praying, and reconsidering all life choices (me) 😬🏐💀2️⃣ The Predator – locked, loaded, and ready to annihilate (Mac) 😈🔥🎯3️⃣ The Zen Master – unbothered, untouched, and probably manifesting world peace (Derek) 🧘‍♂️☯️🍃 Which one are you? And don’t say “the balls”—we already know. 😏💦 #DodgeballDiaries #DuckDipDodge #BallsToTheFace

Duo-tone of actor Paul Cram in hyper-pink and orange. With a heart alongside

📖💕 “Be still, my heart… or at least wait for the next plot twist!” 💕📖

Happy Valentine’s Day to all the romantics, the cynics, and the ones still waiting for their meet-cute! Whether your love story is a swoon-worthy classic or a plot-twisting thriller, may today bring you the kind of drama that belongs in a novel—and not your dating life. (Unless you like a little mess… in that case, carry on. …

Paul Cram and gays in their red underwear

The Art of the Irish Goodbye: We Gays Are the Masters of the Vanishing Act 🎭✨

Ever been at a party and suddenly realized… you’re over it? But instead of bracing yourself for the gauntlet of “Wait, you’re leaving?!” and “Oh my God I love you sooooo much”—you simply disappear? Congratulations, you’ve mastered the Irish Goodbye! 🏳️‍🌈✨ In this video, I explain why this is an elite move and why you should embrace …

Actor Paul Cram looking towards the sky while talking into a microphone

What Advice Would Paul Cram Give His Younger Self? A Heartfelt Message on Faith, Identity, and Love

Paul Cram, actor, artist, and advocate, recently opened up about a deeply personal question: What advice would you give your younger self? His answer is as moving as it is bold, delving into his experience growing up in a high-demand religious environment and the journey to embracing his true self. Raised in the Assembly of God, a …