Books I Read Over Summer

Some book reading suggestions. Paul Cram’s summer reading list included a blend of fiction and non-fiction. Watch and see if you know any of the books, or if you are looking for some reading inspiration.

Heartfelt humor

Good timing! Like most everyone, I can use a heartfelt humorous book to carry along as my end-of-summer read.Fun fact, I worked with the author several years ago on his film “Herpes Boy.”#astarisbored #book #read

Make Your Bed

A good, quick read, with many nuggets of wisdom from Admiral William H. McRaven. I appreciated each chapter. The one that is standing out to me right now is Get Over Being a Sugar Cookie and Keep Moving Forward.

Final Gifts book

I’d leap out of my chair and go find my sister Christy to read her some snippets aloud from this book — all while getting choked up on tears. Author Maggie Callanan is a nurse specializing in end-of-life care. Her stories and insights come directly from her experiences in that field. It’s insightful and brings …