Happy Discovery Cooking: Pirate Rum-Vanilla Spiced Pecans

Riffling through the back-of-the-cupboard recesses for a jar of Cinnamon to add to my batch of spiced pecans, my hand happens on a forgotten glass bottle of homemade pirate rum-vanilla that I made as a part of family Christmas gifts last year. (Purportedly, like a fine cheese, it get’s better with age.) With a satisfying …

Good Read – Ghost Story “The Screaming Staircase” Lockwood & Co Book 1

In this ghoul-filled month of October, it’s appropriate that actor Paul Cram’s reading a book that turns out to be a macabre ghost story. It’s the latest young adult fiction by Jonathan Stroud The Screaming Staircase. The first in (hopefully) a long series of Lockwood & Co. books to be penned by Stroud. The book …

Working in a New Oil – Soapmaking Adventures

It’s too late to stop as planned. The boiling oil begins writhing upon itself surging towards the lip of the pot. Double double toil and trouble and all that. I’ve had a pot overflow before. The caustic (flesh-burning) sludge overflowing onto the counter & floor. I don’t let that happen this time.  Something unrelated to …

Noir Style Fiction – Book Report

Adual citizenship pen pal answers my request for a book suggestion on Twitter. Having just finished the final eight-hundredth page of horror novel “The Passage,” I asked if anyone knew of another good book for me to read. In less time than it takes to crack the knuckles of your left hand, the American/Israelite pen …