Taking Off Your Clothes: Awkward Moments On Set

I find wardrobe fittings to be a necessary evil. Necessary because it’s important to figure out what a character will look like in their clothes, and how they relate to other character’s clothes… etc. The awkwardness is that for me, the actor, I feel like am a human hanger during a fitting. I wonder if …

Ten Poems to Change Your Life… Books I’ve Read On-set

For February’s “Books I’ve Read On Set” I picked Ten Poems To Change Your Life. I came across this book while meandering through the shelves of the library. The title lives up to it’s name. (I hate over hyped-titles) It’s from this book that I came across my all time favorite lines from a poem …

Singlets, Stubbies, & Speedos, Lesson On New Zealand Slang

A friend in New Zealand (where it is currently Summer) was talking to me today about it being so hot that everyone’s in their Stubbies, Singlets, and Bungee smugglers. Which had me scratching my head as here in the States we don’t have anything called “stubbies” and singlets are the skin tight uniforms that wrestlers …

For Fellow Science Geeks

The Saponification Process Sometimes I make home-made soaps. The process of saponification is really fascinating to me. That of the Lye in the soap changing the molecular structure of the fats into glycerine.

Fight Club Style Soap

Answer 8 movie quiz questions about independent film actor Paul Cram’s movies, getting at least 3 answers correct & you’ll win a Fight Club* style bar of handmade pink soap made by the actor himself. Deadline to enter is Monday. The process of making the lye soap is a home made hot process. It utilizes …