Beautiful Day To Live
Meanwhile, as #politicians rant & act like toddlers, the #beauty just outside our door continues on without seeming to notice or worry.
An actor who really needs a haircut
Really in need of a haircut, but have to wait until finished filming on “Dinner At The Mayowood” filming is complete.
July Prize Free Giveaway Trivia for Audiobook
a Rafflecopter giveaway The great Audiobook giveaway contest. Just answer the question in the above RaffleCopter giveaway to be entered to win. 10 audiobook copies will be given away. So chances are high that if you enter, that you will win one! Contest ends on July 14th.
Movie Night Goodie Box Prize Winner
a Rafflecopter giveaway Congratulations to this month’s giveaway winner. Jeremy N. He correctly answered the 2 quiz questions & was randomly selected from the raffle giveaway.
Free Prize March Giveaway – Movie Night Themed Goodie Box & Dust of War on DVD
a Rafflecopter giveaway Enter to win the free giveaway now. Win a Movie Night Box of Goodies + Dust of War DVD. Answer 2 quiz question correctly for this month & you’ll be entered into the raffle giveaway. Question 1: What character did Paul play in Dust of War? Question 2: What are the 2 …
Read more “Free Prize March Giveaway – Movie Night Themed Goodie Box & Dust of War on DVD”
Tilda Swinton & Paul Cram Modern Art Trivia
a Rafflecopter giveaway Enter this month’s free prize giveaway raffle by correctly answering this question “In the same year, actors Tilda Swinton & Paul Cram both were separately featured as objects of art (Paul’s image still is!) at what infamous New York City museum?”
Syringe Pens October Prize Giveaway
Here are the winners of the October prize giveaway: Daniel D, Nathaniel D, Derek G, and Matt W. Huge congratulations to all the winners, and big thank you to everyone that participated.There will be another giveaway contest coming up real soon. Make sure to subscribe to Paul’s newsletter to stay up to date on all …
October Raffle Giveaway Contest – Win Free Prizes
Win a syringe pen or a prize from the prize closet. This month there will be 4 winners chosen from the raffle! Enter today. It’s easy. (You can skip adding to your Facebook wall! Just click “skip” on that part.) To enter just answer one question correctly and you’ll be entered into the raffle. The …
Read more “October Raffle Giveaway Contest – Win Free Prizes”
Free Quiz & Giveaway Contest September
Win a pair of pencil socks this month. Enter your name, email, and answer this month’s quiz question. Raffle winner is selected at random from those that answered the question correctly. It’s fun, free, and your email is never shared! This month’s question is “Which TV family does Paul compare his family to during …