Male Underwear Model Comedy ” Hair Rules ” Plays in Houston

Watch “Hair Rules” Movie Trailer

One Male Underwear Model + One Male Masseur = Two Unlikely Room Mates

Bruce is an aspiring male underwear model. He has the looks, the ladies, and great hair. Life is great. The only things he is missing from having it all: a big break into a legit modeling career. To get one, he needs a rent-paying roommate.

When Carl appears on the scene, he’s the perfect fit to Bruce’s picture perfect existence. Carl pays his rent on time, cleans up after himself, and he even has bad hair!

So just why does Bruce plunge into a downward spiral following Carl’s move in? You’ll see in “Hair Rules”

What: Comedy short film “Hair Rules”
When: November 3rd at 7:15pm
Where: Playing as a part of the 3rd annual Houston Comedy Film Festival Hosted at The Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, West Oaks Mall, #429, Houston, TX, 77082
Cost: Tickets $10 Buy Tickets From DraftHouse
Who: Actors Paul Cram (Carl) & Sasha Andreev (Bruce)

The Full Line Up of Films Showing on November 3rd at 7:15 PM – (120 Minutes Total)

    “Behave” – Directed by Don Worley (Houston, Texas)
    “Brown Duck” – Directed by Ryan Becken (Apple Valley, Minnesota)
    “Deadbeat TV Vol. 2” – Directed by Steven Katz (Houston, Texas)
    “Earthbound” – Directed by Jose Asuncion (Los Angeles, California)
     â€śHard Rubbish” – Directed by Steve Mitchell (Maid Stone, Australia)
    “Hair Rules” – Directed by Ryan Becken (Apple Valley, Minnesota)
    “Vampire Vampire Vampire Vampire” – Directed by Brenton Stumpf (Santa Monica, California)
    “What’s Life Got To Do with It?” – Directed by Noah Weisberg (New York, New York)