Movie Review of Indelible

A low-budget crack at the needle-and-the-damage-done drama, INDELIBLE works reasonably well if your expectations aren’t too high. Donnie Arnett (Charlie Matthes) is covered with new prison tattoos when sprung after an 8-year stretch for a drug deal gone bad that resulted in the death of his best friend. He hooks up with a sexy tattoo artist (Tess Gill) who’s impressed with his prison ink and attempts to reconnect with his 12-year-old daughter who lives in a nasty trailer with his meth-head ex-wife and her loser junkie boyfriend Ricky. There are more drug dealers and tough-talking criminals and cops but this is the kind of movie that is so witlessly generic that the plot and title disappear into a mist of other recycled plots and interchangeable titles. It’s the same old deal here as in most druggie flicks; you have your cardboard angry cops and dangerous dealers and while it boasts better supporting actors and technical credits than other budgetless projects, the film nonetheless flounders in its own mediocrity. There isn’t much action or thrills in INDELIBLE except for a few short bursts here and there, and in one extended scene during the climax. It’s a glum, ham-fisted thriller that’s mostly talk and any subtleties are lost in a moral message that’s battered home but in spite of this, INDELIBLE manages to retain a level of interest throughout and it’s never dull. Star Charlie Matthes displays charisma and plays his soft-spoken scenes well-enough but never once lightens up. Of the supporting cast, only Paul Cram as the weasely tweaker Ricky stands out. INDELIBLE is competently made in terms of structure and pace and some of the white trash atmosphere is well-realized. Director Rick Amundson shows promise and hopefully his next project will utilize a sharper and more original script.
Visit the INDELIBLE site HERE