If you’re in the mood for a suspenseful adventure that keeps you on the edge of your seat, look no further than Abroad(2023). This gripping mystery-thriller, directed by Giovanni Fumu, follows the harrowing journey of Taemin, portrayed by Jang Sung-bum, a foreigner stranded in an unfamiliar land. When his girlfriend, Minji (Youngjoo Lim), vanishes without a trace, Taemin becomes the prime suspect. His desperate search for her quickly escalates into a perilous fight for survival.
Key Production Team:
- Director:Â Giovanni Fumu
- Writers:Â Giovanni Fumu, Maximilian Selim
- Producers:Â Giovanni Fumu, Kimbo Kim, Maximilian Selim
Main Cast:
- Jang Sung-bum as Taemin
- Youngjoo Lim as Minji
- Chris Carlson as Sheriff
- Tony Denman as Denny
- Paul Cram as Man
Abroad has garnered attention for its intense narrative and compelling performances. The film premiered at the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival in South Korea on September 7, 2023.
You can stream Abroad on most major platforms. After watching, we’d love to hear your thoughts! Please share your feedback on actor Paul Cram’s social media. You can find him on Facebook at Paul Cram.
Happy viewing, and don’t forget to share your insights!