7 Good Gift Ideas & 1 Bad One (I learnt the hard way)

My eyes have been feasting on all the great gift guides around. Seriously, I need to remind myself that I don’t need ALL of it. I just want ALL of it. So, in classic mimic-style, I’m sharing too. Most of these are items from independent artists I’ve come across. I like indie artists, certainly because …

Got Busted After Being Plastered, Now It’s Up To Movie Special Effect Artist to Work His Magic

From left: Wearing bald cap as prep for plaster. Drying out. Finished bust of head & neck. Photos courtesy: Crist Ballas Special effects artist Crist Ballas molds my head, neck, and hands. Using the mold, he makes a plaster bust. It’s all for an upcoming project in which I play an Alien, filming down in …

Becoming A Horror Creature, See Time Lapse Camera Footage of Special FX Makeup

Horror fans, take a look at behind-the-scene footage of how “The Keeper” creature was made for the short pshycological thriller/horror film Dope Sick. (Along with footage of bloodied beauty Ladonna Craelius.) The film has Todd Parker (played by Paul Cram) in a Heroin addled haze, lost in the maze of a run down hotel where …

Proof Movie Directors Love To Kill Actor Paul Cram

Movie directors love to kill me.  This truth didn’t dawn on me until a newspaper reporter pointed it out by asking me why it is, with alarming regularity, that I am the guy that gets beat, pulverized, and generally killed in so many of the movies I work on. Ways Actor Paul Cram’s Characters Have …

A Hot Shower After An 8 Hour Day in Special Effect Makeup Makes Me Smile

Special effect make-up looks great. Is fun to wear while performing because of the truth it can add to a scene (nothing like a swollen-shut eye to help me get in character). But the squeaky clean feeling after scrubbing off the layers of fake blood, dirt, and latex is amazing! Just toss in a pineapple …

20 Reasons to Show Special Politeness to Other People

List by Lynn Truss they are older they know more than you do they know less than you do they got here first they have educational qualifications in the subject under discussion you are in their house they once helped you financially they have been good to you all your life they are less fortunate …