Horror Movie Acting

I’ve been asked a few times if horror movie acting is any different than acting in a drama or comedy. I’d have to say that acting in a horror movie usually means more fun for me while working on set. In the horror films that I have worked on, they’ve had me screaming and running …

My 5 Best Tips to Get Cast Again & Again by the Same Director (1 Will Save Your Life)

Daily Actor asked me for 5 things actors can do to get cast over & over again.  Here’s the resulting tip article: 1. Know Your Lines, No More FakingThis seems obvious, but about 30% of actors I’ve worked with didn’t know their stuff before they arrived on-set. Memorize ‘em and you’ll not only come off …

Taking Off Your Clothes: Awkward Moments On Set

I find wardrobe fittings to be a necessary evil. Necessary because it’s important to figure out what a character will look like in their clothes, and how they relate to other character’s clothes… etc. The awkwardness is that for me, the actor, I feel like am a human hanger during a fitting. I wonder if …

A Kick to the Head

 Sprawled on my back, I stare up at the unnatural glare of fluorescent lighting. I hear my name and feel a hand shaking my shoulder. At the same moment, flashing through my mind is that tidbit from CPR class about the importance of assessing someone’s injuries before moving them. I try slowly moving my jaw …

When Smart-mouthed Directors Attack

An Interview with Actor Paul Cram By: Joshua LeSuer, Minnewood writer Whenever Paul Cram hops state lines, something interesting happens. No, he doesn’t suddenly find himself hounded by a psychotic truck driver or picking up a supernatural hitchhiker. This isn’t The Twilight Zone, after all, although some of the things that happen to him are pretty dang surreal.When …

Fun Trivial Facts About Paul Cram

From the actor’s personal website: PaulCramActor.com I have a passion for embracing a character’s internal and external life, striving to find and expose their beauty & ugliness, to tell the most compelling story. This is achieved by listening and working collaboratively with directors & writers, and studying up. Early beginnings: I started out acting in skits …